Camping with Electricity
Camping is all about unplugging and connecting with nature, but that doesn’t mean you have to leave electricity behind completely.
From powering essential gadgets to creating a cosy campsite ambiance, understanding how to safely and efficiently use electricity while camping can enhance your outdoor experience.
Lets discover how camping with electricity can transform your camping trip!
Leisure Batteries
A leisure battery is like a car battery and provides the same 12v supply. They provide an excellent source of power from when you’re away from the mains supply. They will power anything from toilet flushes to phone chargers to caravan movers and some televisions.
Most folding campers, caravans and motorhomes have a leisure battery installed. All you need to do is to keep it in good condition so that it’s ready to use on your next camping trip.
A mains hook-up
You’ll find a main hook-up on most commercial campsites. They deliver a 230v supply which can power any appliances that you brought with you from home. However, you will need to be careful to not overload them when using them as they will have restricted supply of power and could ‘trip out’ if you plug in too many items.
If you were to trip the supply, you will secure a campsite scoring of ‘unpopular’! You’ll need to contact the manager of the site so that he can reset the system. If it’s wintertime and cold, you’ll be more even unpopular with your neighbours!
Solar Power
Solar power works by capturing sunlight and converting it into usable electricity using solar panels. Many solar panels designed for camping are lightweight, foldable, and easy to carry, making them perfect for life on the go. Pair them with a portable power bank, and you’ll have energy available anytime.
When camping off-grid, solar power ensures you can charge your devices, run small appliances, and keep lights on without needing a nearby power source.
Camping with Electricity Tips
As you are aware, electricity can be dangerous, even more so in the open air where it can be damp. You can even get a nasty shock off a 12v battery if you’re not careful. You will need to use a purpose-built lead to bring electricity into your tent. You will need to plug that into your unit, and then into the site’s bollard so that you do not have a ‘live’ lead in your unit.
You might want to use a 25m length of cable to ensure that your cable is long enough to connect to the hook-up bollard. If you are closer than that to the bollard, be sure to uncoil your lead to prevent it from overheating. Avoid using extension cables.
A final note from us
If your ever unsure about using electricity on a campsite call our showroom to chat to the camping experts on 01242 742233. Browse all our camping electrical items here or follow our social channels to stay up to date with all things Attwoolls Outdoors!