Here at Attwoolls, there is usually one of us planning or enjoying a camping trip – such is our passion for it. This blog shares some of our must-have information to make camp cooking a breeze!

Camping cooking is not just about baked beans and burgers - just because you’re on a camping trip, it doesn’t mean that you have to eat a baked bean sandwich with a pot noodle for dinner every day! It’s quite possible to put together a gourmet meal that many will be impressed by and it could even give that extra sweet memory of camping in a field with friends, loved ones and a heavenly feast.

Jump to the bottom of the blog for our complete list

Prep your kitchen

Much of your prep can be done at home before you leave for the trip. Preparing vegetables, cooking up mince for a chilli and freezing it, or even pre mixed pancake batter is always a winner!

If you have access to a freezer whilst you are camping this can help store and keep food fresh for the duration for your trip. When traveling in a group with friends and caravans utilise the extra space and facilities to store food. 

Book Electric Hook up

An electric hook up or a gas source is a must in order to make the most of this method of cooking so make sure this is available to you. Packing a BBQ, roasting oven or pizza stove means your camp meals can be elevated to the next level.

Gone are the days of overcooked pasta and say hello to gourmet stone baked pizzas!

Adapt your favourite meals

Cooking on the campsite is all about adapting your favourite meals and being savvy. If your favourite meal is eggs benedict on a Sunday morning then why can't you have this while camping? Think outside the box and adapt your favourite meals to make the campsite worthy.

Pre mix eggs in a bottle to squeeze straight into a pan or cover bread in butter and fry in a pan. You can even cook a fragrant curry on a BBQ these days!

Top Camping Cooking Resource links
A final note from us

We hope you have been inspired to discover the world of gourmet campsite cooking. Be prepared, adapt your favourite dishes and utilise electric hook up for the best camp cooking experience. Whatever you decide to cook be sure to check out our camping cooking resource list for all our recommended websites.

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Header image by Dan Edwards on Unsplash