Cold temperatures, shorter daylight hours, and unpredictable weather can quickly turn a peaceful trek into dangerous.

Be prepared with our 5 Winter Hike Survival Must-Haves.

1 - Head Torch

A head torch is a winter hike survival must-have. It keeps your hands free and your path well-lit. Not only will it help you navigate unfamiliar terrain, but it will also alert you of potential hazards and signal emergencies.

We recommend  - Easy Camp Flare Headlamp

2 - Survival Bag

Survival bags are designed to reduce the loss of vital body heat in an emergency. Hypothermia is a considerable risk when hiking in winter. The bright orange survival bag can also be used as a signal for emergencies. Made from heavy-duty polythene, it is windproof, waterproof and lightweight for easy travel.

We recommend -  Lifesystems Survival bag

3 - Fire Starter

Offering a safe and convenient way to start a fire in the wilderness - a fire starter is an essential winter hiking survival item. It will keep you warm in freezing conditions and act as an effective signal to recruiters if you're lost or injured, especially in low-visibility winter conditions.

We recommend - Lifesystems Firestarter

4 - Navigation Tool

Pack a navigation tool like a compass, map, or GPS tracker to help you stay on track. Winter landscapes can make trails harder to follow, and batteries drain faster in colder conditions. Ensure you have a few options just in case an emergency arises.

We recommend - Easy camp Venture folding map compass

5 - Fuel

Travelling with enough high-calorie food is essential to fuel your body during a winter hike. Your body burns more calories when you're cold, so staying warm is necessary. Eating regularly will provide your body with the energy it needs. Because of this, a steady supply of snacks and food pouches is a must-have survival item.

We recommend - TrekMates Chilli Con Carne

A final note from us

You can embrace winter hiking while keeping safety in mind by equipping yourself with these five essentials: a head torch, survival bag, fire starter, navigation tool, and plenty of high-calorie snacks. Looking for more? Check out all our blogs on Camp Life. Follow our social channels to stay updated about Attwoolls Outdoors.

Header image from UnSplash by Tobias Mrzyk